Blog + Tips.
For as long as I can remember, I've loved to share my passions, peeves, and points of view with others around me. Raising Ralphie has added immense value to my life, and I love having the chance to share my passions, challenges raising an autistic son and wonderings with my loyal readers. Explore my blog, and enjoy.
Mom 's Corner: What a year has done…
“We design a program to fit a child, not make a child fit into a program.” Those words echoed in my mind. To confirm we were making the right decision, Ralph told us “goodbye” when the tour was over, because he didn’t want to leave
Meet Our Village: There's nothing like the love of family and friends...
There is nothing like the support of your family and friends. One of the things I hold close to my heart is the love of family. Family is not just your parents, aunts, uncles or cousins, brothers or sisters; it's the community of people you surround yourself with that consists family,friends, and coworkers that encourage, support and adds value to your life. They are usually the ones encouraging you to do more, to be better and to never give up. They are there for you to rally with support in trouble times and be the arm that helps pick you up and help dust yourself off to try again.