Meet Our Village: School Family

As the end of the school year quickly approaches, I would like to reflect and give thanks to the Principal, the office staff and teachers at Rosaryville Elementary School. Rosaryville has been our home for two years and we have made friendships that will last a lifetime. It takes special people to work with these kids whether they are special needs or typical kids. I want to introduce you to a group of women who are a part of my village who helps us as we raise our son.

Rosaryville Elementary School, Principal Mrs. Rashida Edwards

Principal, Mrs.Rashida Edwards is truly dedicated to her position as principal. Her warm smile greets the children and parents each day! Mrs. Edward’s is outside of the school each day rain or shine greeting parents and students as they are dropped off to school each day, she knows over 90% or more of her students by first name. It's the kind school you know your kids will be safe. Mrs. Edwards along with her staff makes the school feel like extended family. During our time at Rosaryville Elementary school we have had the opportunity to meet some great teachers, specialist and other staff members who love our son just as much as we do.

To the front office staff who greets us with smiles, to specialists for speech therapy, occupational therapy, and our favorite psychologist, to the music teacher, physical education teacher, janitorial staff, aides, cafeteria workers who know our son we thank you!

Rosaryville Elementary Staff

It truly takes a village to raise a child and with caring people like the staff at Rosaryville Elementary School it make raising a child a little easier. Thank you for a great year and all of your support on our journey!


Mom's Corner: Where does the time go?


Mom's Corner: Am I Doing the Right Thing?