Blog + Tips.
For as long as I can remember, I've loved to share my passions, peeves, and points of view with others around me. Raising Ralphie has added immense value to my life, and I love having the chance to share my passions, challenges raising an autistic son and wonderings with my loyal readers. Explore my blog, and enjoy.
Thankful for this life...
It was this year I found my voice of reason, my purpose and my appreciation for this life I have. I started with learning how to say “no”. And understand “no” is a complete sentence, you don’t have to explain why you said it, it is just “no”. I had to set boundaries at work and at home with family and friends. And learned it is okay to take a few hours to do something for me guilt free.
What is hiding behind the brave face?
We faced many challenges with Ralph’s behavior and I felt I lost my positivity, not my hope but my positivity.
The Importance of Inclusion…
For that brief moment, it felt like everything was normal; I had a typical kid doing typical things.
Meet Our Village: School Family
I would like to reflect and give thanks to the Principal, the office staff and teachers at Rosaryville Elementary School. Rosaryville has been our home for two years and we have made friendships that will last a lifetime. It takes special people to work with these kids whether they are special needs or typical kids.